For much of the video work we do nowadays, we need more than just someone who can present in front of a camera. Being able to satisify and communicate with virtual audiences or making having a meaningful dialogue in video form requires much more than just a camera and a talking head.

The question is where do we acquire this knowledge in such a short time? With the increased usage of online conference softwares for video calls, be it a meeting, speaking engagement, interview, presentation or other professional appearances. Many of us are forced to become an "air traffic controller" in the world online video sessions. To have a certain level of camera presentation knowledge while entertaining a crowd we cannot see, not to mention the technicalities of setting up our home studio space-- All in an attempt to have a professional quality experience and delivery.

Previously, this take a team of staff to do. Now many of us have to do all the above either by ourselves or with one or two others (if we are lucky).

Condensing 13 years of knowledge and experience from the presenter and production side of things. I have designed courses to help you fast track your skills in order to get you up to speed to create the best experience for you and your viewers and audiences, helping you build your professional image, while attaining your goals.

"Extremely enlightening! Melody helped me realize how to strive in the world of video sessions. Instead of just doing my video meetings and hope for the best, I now have much more clarity in terms of what I need and what to do.'

- Karen Liu

Hi, I’m MC Melody

My professional life allowed me to master the art of being able to create a meaningful dialogue and interaction with my audiences eloquently, even without a perceived audience- A huge plus for doing a successful online video session. My one mission is to help you achieve the same for your professional purposes.

I am humbled they call me the "queen of improv" in the industry. As professional MC, sports commentator, TV show host, voice over artist, public speaking instructor, online and offline event curator, director, designer, and choreographer I serve international clients on a daily basis helping them tell better stories and have remarkable dialogues with their target audiences.

Being an "introverted extrovert" with 13 years of experience being in front of and behind the camera- I have learned what it takes to make life easier on the production end, organized and coherent on the presenters' end, as well as enjoyable and memorable for the audiences on the receiving end. Thus, providing one of the most valuable insights you will ever receive with the gift of the lessons learned from my professional life